Excel Pub Exhibition - 20th to 22nd March 2023
Q. Supermarket buy more volume quantity therefore this is why their buying price is much cheaper.
A. Supermarket chains do not buy more volume than the thousands of independent licensed premises buy.
Q. Supermarkets ‘sell’ at less than half the price independents as a loss leader.
A. To retail at less than half the price independents buy suggests supermarkets lose c£10-£12 per 18No pack and sell far below a realistic cost. This sort of price disparity must be supported by the brewer.
Q. Why would brewers sell at such low prices to supermarkets.
A. To maintain Volume. Brewers will sell to one market at low cost and recoup revenue by selling to other markets ‘independents’ at higher cost to maintain volume production.
Effectively the independent pub market are subsidising cheap beer sold in supermarkets.
Q. Are independent pub trade are being treated fairly by brewers.
A. Independent pubs are being made fools of when supermarkets retail at half independents pubs can buy.
Ridiculous as it may sound,,,
It would be half the cost to buy 114No x 440 ml cans from supermarkets and pour into 11 Gallon a barrel.
Q. How will IPA achieve a better deal on price?
A. The Independent licensed /Pub trade are not being effectively represented at the current time.
A. The IPA will raise awareness of the price disparity and campaign for a fair price deal.
A. Strength in numbers, with only a small membership the IPA will have the strength to challenge this unfair price disparity with the goal of achieving levelling up and improved purchasing prices.
Q. BBPA British Beer & Pub Association already represents Independent Pubs.
A. The BBPA represents the self interest of the large brewers and large Pub Co’s
They do not represent the interests of the smaller independent.
Q. What about Weatherspoons it’s often said they buy near to off date/ best before dates, this is how they can retail so cheaply.
A. This may have been true in their early days, but Weatherspoons are a successful chain of c800 pubs and clearly now buy in the same market as Supermarkets.
A. It’s stretching the imagination to suggest Weatherspoons still buy products for c800 pubs at close to best before dates.
Q. Supermarkets and major chains have powerful joined up purchasing power that c20,000 Independents do not.
A. IPA aim to harness the buying power of the other c20,000 Independent Pubs and fight for a fair deal on their behalf.